First, I got to go to Grand Rapids and work on a movie with 50 Cent
On Saturday, I went back to Grand Rapids to see the exhibit at the Grand Rapids Art Museum on Princess Diana that is touring around. It was such a moving and worthwhile experience. Princess Diana has always been an inspiration to me because of her volunteer work, her positivity, her support of the fine arts, and her sense of beauty, grace, and class. Seeing her gowns, letters she received and sent, pictures, videos, and all the condolence books that were sent to her family (among many other things) was just an indescribable experience for me.
What else have I been up to? Ah yes... working.
I have been assembling a gift guide for the blog that should be ready soon. Yay! I've also been writing articles (like this one on Wilhuff) and promoting. I'm also WAY into Sponsored Tweets. I like Sponsored Tweets because I get to pick what I advertise and how I do it. So I promote companies, products, and ideas I believe in, not just whatever ends up being offered. Plus, it's been pretty steady work so far and I'm obsessed with Twitter, so it's a good combination! haha
Last night, I had a singing gig where I got to sing Holiday songs and Christmas carols
I think you're caught up... though sometimes I forget things... that's okay. I can keep things mysterious and keep ya coming back for more! ;)
Peace and Love,
Sounds like you've been a busy lady and you sound much better!